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What my clients say about me...

We are putting the finishing touches to the newspaper this morning, so it should go to press before lunchtime!

Thank you so much for your efficiency and diligence with the translation. It has been great working with you and I hope you will want to work on the next newspaper in February. I will be in touch with details nearer the time if you would like to work with us.

Have a lovely day!



Many thanks for sending over the files so swiftly. All your hard work, efficiency and attention to detail is much appreciated. You’ve done a sterling job!


Laura P.

Communication agency

Agnès Flandin 130, rue Pierre Brossolette F-91700 Sainte Geneviève des Bois

TVA intracommunautaire : FR66383282811

© 2019 by Agnès Flandin

Photos : Burst, Pixabay


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